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Are Hamsters Really Right for Kids?

Hamsters…they’re the stereotypical first pet for a kid.  Small, easy, sweet and cuddly.  Well, yes, they’re small.  But it can kind of end there.

Hamsters are not a fish in a tank with a filter, and do require frequent cage cleanings or they will be trapped in an enclosed space breathing their own urine smell.  And, honestly, I can count on 9 fingers the number of super hand-tamed hamsters I have known in the last 15 years.

Truth is, hamsters are generally afraid of being handled, require super gentle handling (a lot of kids have trouble with this part) and will bite if they feel threatened.  Which, for many hamsters, can mean EVERY TIME they’re handled.

Who makes a good hamster owner?  In my opinion, adults.  Adults will go slow, work on allowing a nervous hamster to get used to interactions, and leave a hamster alone when she’s sleeping (which is all day, as hamsters are night-time party types).

So what should you do when your kid wants a new pet and you don’t want to end up with a bad situation?  Check my article on kids and pets here and no matter what, remember:  YOU are the one who is actually responsible for the care, comfort and safety of this creature.  And every pet needs to see the vet at some point, if not once to twice a year for check-ups, so be prepared for that part of the deal too.  If you do think it through, pet, kid and parent(s) will all be happier.